Configuring Mileage Rates Based on User's Country

To improve compliance, admins can now configure mileage rates based on the user’s country. This feature allows for the specific configuration of vehicle types and energy types (e.g., Gas, Diesel, Hybrid, Electric) according to local regulations. 

This feature is activated by default.
Steps to Configure Mileage Rates 
  1. Access Mileage Rate Configuration 
  • Navigate to the mileage rate configuration interface. 
Read this article and follow the steps mentioned there to get to the right interface Customize Mileage Rates - Expensya - Expense Reports - Online Help 
  • Click on the drop-down list under Country


  1. Select Employee’s Country 
  • From the drop-down list, select the employee’s country. 
  • Once a country is selected, the respective configuration is automatically created and saved. 
  1. View Vehicle and Energy Types 
  • The vehicle types and their energy types will be displayed along with the local regulated rates corresponding to the selected country. 
To display your custom configurations or set a default one for all employees, select the Unspecified (Legacy Configuration) option to access the classic configuration interface and have it displayed. 
When assigning professional vehicles to an individual employee or a group, ensure they are associated with a country where the vehicle type is regulated; otherwise, the employee won't be able to record mileage for it. 


Special Considerations for France 

For French employees, the URSSAF configuration for electric vehicles has been updated. The option to 'Apply the 20% increase on mileage expenses for electric vehicles' is now included directly in the default URSSAF configuration. Companies that do not wish to offer this increase to their employees will need to set up custom configurations. If an employee has previously unchecked the box, they will be automatically migrated to custom mileage rates and will no longer benefit from the automatic yearly updates of the URSSAF rates. 

Configuring Non-Reimbursable Vehicle Types 
  • Admins can configure a mileage rate of zero for certain vehicle types that are not reimbursable. 

Employee Experience 

  • As an employee, you can see the vehicle list specific to your local country. 
  • If the admin changes the country of employment, your vehicle list will be updated accordingly, and the new applicable country regulations will be displayed. 
Any pending mileage expense left as a draft with a vehicle type that is no longer supported due to the country change will no longer be submittable. But submitted mileage can be validated or archived by the manager (validator) and the admin. 


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