Configuring the Trip-Based Sustainable Mobility Package Module

The Sustainable Mobility Package Module is available with all Expensya offers.

This module is configurable by the account administrator and allows employees to use, based on their preferences, the Navigo Liberté offer (€1.5 per ticket) and the sustainable mobility package ceiling.

In this case, employees will opt for eco-friendly transportation options that are close to their homes.

Configuring the Trip-Based Sustainable Mobility Package Module

1. User Group Configuration:

  • Begin by configuring users who will declare sustainable mobility expenses.
  • Create a group named Sustainable Mobility Package.
  • Assign employees to the Sustainable Mobility Package group.
More details for creating user groups can be found in the following article: Creating User Groups on Expensya

2. Category Configuration:

  • Configure eligible modes of transportation for declaring sustainable mobility expenses.

Example: FMD - Electric Bike / Electric Scooter / FMD - Transport.

  • For the FMD category type, activate the Quantity field to count the Home to work trips made by employees to apply the trip-based package.
  • To activate this field:
    • Access the Category Customization tab.
    • Set the Quantity field as mandatory.
  • Limit the usage of categories to the Sustainable Mobility Package user group.
  • To assign a category to a specific user group:
    • Access the FMD category.
    • Click Next until you reach the user group assignment form.
More details for creating and configuring categories can be found in the following article: How to Create a Category and Configure My Chart of Accounts?

3. Approval Workflow Configuration for FMD Expenses:

  • Create an Affair named Sustainable Mobility for:
    • Assisting users during FMD declaration by recalling the context of their expense (FMD or expense report).
    • Configuring an approval workflow different from the expense report approval workflow.
  • Assign the affair to the Sustainable Mobility Package user group.
  • Configure the approval workflow for FMD by selecting the approver in the Approval tab.

4. Trip-Based Flat Rate Configuration:

  • Add an expense policy:
    • Access the Administration tab, then Expenses and Requests, and then Expense Policies.
    • Click on Add a New Expense Rule.
    • Select the rule Reimburse a flat amount to the employee under certain conditions.
  • Choose the flat rate amount:
    • Example: €1.5.
  • Specify that the flat rate applies only in the context of the sustainable mobility package by choosing the Sustainable Mobility affair in the According to case or custom field value parameter.
It's also possible to configure a ceiling rule, in addition to the flat rate rule, to set an annual budget limit for sustainable mobility expenses.
For more information on configuring expense policies, refer to the following article: How to Configure Expense Policies?

5. FMD Ceiling Configuration:

  • Add an expense policy:
    • Access the Administration tab, then Expenses and Requests, and then Expense Policies.
    • Click on Add a New Expense Rule.
    • Select the rule Automatically limit reimbursement of certain expenses to a ceiling.
  • Choose the annual ceiling amount:
    • Example: €500.
  • Specify that the ceiling applies only in the context of the sustainable mobility package by choosing the Sustainable Mobility affair in the According to case or custom field value parameter.
To activate the period-based ceiling feature.

Using the Trip-Based Sustainable Mobility Package Module
  1. Employee Engaging in Sustainable Mobility:
  • Select the sustainable mobility package expense category by searching for the relevant category.
  • Choose the Sustainable Mobility affair to ensure the correct approval workflow is triggered.
Tip: Employees with sustainable mobility expenses can choose the Sustainable Mobility affair as the default for all expenses to facilitate data entry. This can be done in personal settings within the Default Configuration menu.
  1. Expensya automatically recognizes that the trip-based flat rate is €1.5, and the expense amount is multiplied automatically by the number of trips declared by the user.

Example: In our case, the employee made the Home to work trip three times. Consequently, the expense amount was automatically multiplied by three.

If the employee exceeds the ceiling limit configured by the account administrator (in our case, €500), the employee will be alerted, and the reimbursable amount will be limited to the ceiling.
  1. Employee Not Engaging in Sustainable Mobility:
  • They will not notice any changes in the expense submission experience as they do not belong to the Sustainable Mobility Package employee group. Therefore, categories and the affair will not appear for them.

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