Using Expensya Partner's Public APIs?

As an Expensya partner (reseller or accountant) you can use the public APIs of the Expensya Partner module to automatically synchronize your data between Expensya and your collaborative platform.
Using the Expensya Partner Management APIs:
  1. Token generation:
  • Go to the Administration tab.
  • Under the Integrations menu, click on API Keys.
  • Click on Generate token to automatically generate a token that will allow you to use our public APIs. Define the token type and scope and click on Save.
  • You can then copy the token via the Copy button.
  1. Registration on the API portal:

The generated token allows you to use the Expensya Partner Management APIs: a set of APIs to independently synchronize elements in your Expensya Expert account and your information system (and vice versa, ex. clients).

  1. Choose Partner Management APIs from the Products page and subscribe:
  1. Choose your subscription name:
  1. A new Azure portal token will be generated

In your Profile page, you can find your account details as well as all your subscriptions details.

  1. Use of APIs:
  • This new token will subsequently be used as a parameter for the header of the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key field in the Expensya Partner Management APIs.
  • The token generated from the Expensya portal will be used as a parameter for the ExpensyaPartner in Expensya Partner Management APIs.

For further information, please contact our support team.

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