Customize Mileage Rates

In addition to the standard mileage reimbursement rate applied by your company, you can, as an Expensya administrator, add specific ones to one or more users.

  1. Activate the functionality:

To activate the functionality from the admin tab, go to "Global Gettings" then click on "Expense" and activate the functionality "Configuration of mileage expense" and save.

  1. Configure the functionality:

From the sidebar menu, go to "Rates and Vehicules" > "mileage rates" and click on the ‘+’ to add a new configuration.

Add a title to your configuration and choose its element type and click on "Confirm"

Configure the year, vehicle type and pricing as well as the scale currency and save.

  1. Sign the scale to one or more users:
    1. To a single user:
    To assign the scale to a user, from the admin tab go to "Users and Access" and then click on "Users". Go to the user you want to edit and double click on the line, a form will appear which enables you to "Update a User"

In 'others' select the configuration of the mileage charges.

  1. Several users or groups:

If you wish to modify the mileage rate for several users at once, select them from Admin -> Users then on Actions -> Multiple edit users.

Configure the mileage rate and save :

  1. Delete a mileage rate:

To delete a created mileage rate from the admin tab, go to "Rates and Vehicles" > "Mileage Rates":

Click on ‘Edit this list’

The basket next to the scale will allow you to delete it:

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