Managing Mileage in Expensya
Mileage management includes vehicle management and travel expense management.
Mileage Management:
Click on the "Admin" tab, under " Rates and vehicles" then "Mileage rates".
The configuration of the scale to be adapted for the reimbursement of mileage is done according to the following:
- Year.
- Distance unit: Km or Mil
- Type of vehicle: Car, Moped, Motorcycle, Scooter, Bicycle
- Scale: URSSAF, Fixed rate and Personalized rate.
Change of scale :
To change the scale, simply choose the type of scale to be applied in the field: "Rate type".
Depending on your needs, you can opt for one of the following types of rates: URSSAF or Fixed Rate or Personalized Rate:
- The compensation is activated by default for the URSSAF pricing type.
- You will find all the details about the compensation in the following article : The compensation is activated by default for the URSSAF pricing type.
- It is also possible to apply a rate per period. More details on the following article : How to set up a mileage rate by period?