How to give or receive access delegation on Expensya?

As an administrator, you can manage delegated access for user accounts from the web version.

For it:

  1. Go to "Admin", then "Users and access"
  2. Click on "Delegations"
  1. Then click on "+ Grant a delegated access."
  2. Enter the name of the account owner and beneficiary as well as the type of access:
  • Adding and sending expenses: the beneficiary can enter and send the expense reports instead of the owner
  • Validation of expenses: the beneficiary can validate the notes instead of the owner.
  1. Save

Modify delegate access
  1. Go to "Admin", then "Users and access"
  2. Click on "Delegations"
  3. Then on the pen icon to modify
Remove delegate access
  1. Go to "Admin", then "Users and access"
  2. Click on "Delegations"
  3. Select the delegate access to remove
  4. Then click on "Remove"

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