Introducing the "Assign Supplier to Expense" Feature

What’s New? 

Previously, supplier management was limited to the purchase module, where suppliers could only be associated with purchases. Our new feature allows administrators and accountants to link suppliers directly to specific expense categories, making supplier management more integrated and efficient. 

To activate this feature, you need to contact the support team or your account manager.  
How It Works 

As an Admin you can manage suppliers from the “Suppliers” page. You can add, update, or deactivate suppliers and associate them with one or multiple expense categories. 

  • To add, update and deactive a supplier please follow the steps mentioned in this article. 
  • To assign suppliers to one or multiple expense categories, visit this article and follow the steps explained.  
It is possible to set suppliers as mandatory, optional, or hidden for each expense category, with the default setting being “Hidden.” 

As soon as you setup a supplier mandatory for a specific category, As an Admin and Accountant you can assign a supplier to an expense within “exported” state, in the “Expense” modal. 

Note that supplier field is not visible to the user. 


Expense Exports 

When the supplier is assigned to an expense, the expense and report exports will include new columns for supplier information, providing a comprehensive view of your supplier-related expenses. 

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