SEPA Export Document Structure

Let's break down the different components or blocks you might encounter within a SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) XML file, which is used for transferring funds electronically.

Single Entity SEPA Format Example

This is a simplified format containing only the name of a single entity initiating the transaction:

  • Example:

Multi-Entity SEPA Exports

Include specific information for each entity.

  • Example XML Format for an Entity:

Main Components of SEPA XML

A SEPA XML file consists of various blocks that detail the transaction and related information. Below is a breakdown of these components:

  1. <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> (Customer Credit Transfer Initiation)

Root element representing the customer-initiated credit transfer message.

  • Example:

  1. <GrpHdr> (Group Header)

Contains details about the entire batch of transactions.

  • Example:

  1. <PmtInf> (Payment Information)

Contains details for one or more transactions within the same instruction.

  • Example:

  1. <CdtTrfTxInf> (Credit Transfer Transaction Information)

Details about each individual transaction.

  • Example:

  1. <DbtrAgt> (Debtor Agent)

Identifies the financial institution of the debtor.

  • Example:

If the default format doesn’t meet your requirements, you can contact Expensya support for help tailoring the export format to your specific needs.

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