Spending Policies' Rules Dashboard Analysis
The Rules and Policies dashboard provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of an organization's expense policies and rules. It enables managers to identify the most frequently triggered rules, the categories they pertain to, and the distribution of rule types within the tenant.

Key Features
- Rule Type Distribution:
A visual representation of the distribution of rule types, such as mandatory, reimbursable by ceiling, or warning rules, within the organization. This information helps assess the balance and appropriateness of the current policy framework.
- Regulated Categories:
A breakdown of the expense categories that are most heavily regulated by the tenant's expense rules. This data highlights areas where policies may need to be adjusted or clarified to better align with operational realities.
- Most Triggered Rules:
A list of the rules that are most frequently triggered, ranked by the number and amount of expenses associated with them. This information can help identify rules that may be overly restrictive or require revision.
- Rule Trigger Instances:
A detailed view of all occasions when rules were triggered, including the specific rule, the associated expense, and the employee involved. This granular data enables managers to identify patterns, address recurring issues, and provide targeted training or guidance to employees.
By consolidating and visualizing rule-related data, the Rules and Policies dashboard serves as a strategic tool for policymakers to periodically review and fine-tune the corporate expense rules. It ensures that policies remain aligned with the company's evolving needs and objectives, promoting responsible spending practices and minimizing the risk of non-compliance.
Having all rule violations conveniently displayed in one location highlights the efficiency of the tenant's spending policies in a manner that built-in reports or manual checks cannot achieve. This dashboard empowers organizations to proactively address policy gaps, streamline processes, and maintain a tight control over expense management.