Handling Reports with Mandatory Proof

What is a "Proof of Expense"?

A "proof of expense" is a document that explains the reason behind an incurred expense, such as a business trip, a mission, or any other expenditure. It could be a training invitation, a professional invite, or even an entry in an electronic calendar.

Receipts (e.g., triggering event) can be added either individually to each expense or to the note that encompasses them.

In Expensya, some expenses require a proof of expense, while for others, it's optional. This requirement aims to ensure that expenses are properly justified and transparent.

When a proof of expense is required, preventing the submission ensures that all expenses needing justification are correctly filled out before being submitted for validation.

Let's explore an example where the proof of expense is considered a "Fait Générateur".

  1. Access the "Reports" tab.
  2. Click on "+Report".
  3. Locate the "Fait Générateur" button; it will appear as described.

Expensya has implemented a system that blocks expense note submissions for validation in three specific situations:

  1. Missing Mandatory Proof of Expense: If an expense requires a mandatory proof of expense and it's missing in an expense note, Expensya explicitly requests this essential document for that specific expense. This ensures that all expenses needing proof are properly justified, enhancing transparency and reimbursement validity.
  1. Omission of Proof of Expense: If a user fails to complete the proof of expense for a submitted expense, Expensya automatically blocks the submission for validation. This action reminds users of the importance of providing necessary information for each expense, ensuring precise management of expense notes.
  2. Failure to Check the "Exception Fait Générateur" switch: Expensya offers an option to waive the proof of expense obligation for specific expenses. However, if a user forgets to select this option for an expense that requires proof, the system prevents the submission for validation. This measure aims to prevent attempts to bypass established rules, ensuring proper justification for essential expenses.

When an expense necessitates a mandatory proof of expense, and it's not provided, Expensya automatically prevents the submission for validation. A clear message is displayed, explaining that the proof of expense is required. To validate the report, the user must add this missing proof.

In general, here's how the process works when creating your Report:

Report with Mandatory Proof of Expense and Unchecked Obligation Waiver:

  • When the proof of expense is completed, the note can continue through the validation process.
  • However, if the proof of expense isn't completed, the expense report is automatically rejected with an explanation. In this case, the user must add the missing proof before resubmitting the report for validation.

Report with Mandatory Proof of Expense and Checked Obligation Waiver:

  • If the proof of expense isn't completed, but the obligation waiver option is activated, the note can continue in the validation process.

Report with Mandatory Proof of Expense and Checked Obligation Waiver for at Least One Expense:

  • If the proof of expense isn't completed for an expense but the obligation is waived, the note can continue in the validation process.

Report with Optional Proof of Expense:

  • You can submit the note for validation regardless of whether the proof of expense is provided or no

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