Categories Import
Categories can now be added to Expensya via an import file, which is easy to fill in and quick to integrate.
Simply :
- Go to the categories page on the Administration Menu
- Click on the "Import" button
Download the template file and documentation
To achieve this:
- Access the categories page in the Administration Menu.
- Click on the "Import" button.
You can download the model guide to understand the data to be entered in each column.
Use the following information to fill in the columns "O" and "L"
Here's the list of predefined categories you'll need to fill in column L on the category import file:
"Food, Cafe, Restaurant, Bar, Train, Bus, Metro, Taxi, Flight, Toll, Car, Rentalcar, Parking, Hotel, Health, Lodging, Phone, Entertainment, Movies, Bowling, Concert, Services, Equipment, Supplies, Misc, Fuel, Fueldiesel, Water, Gas, Net, Power, Rent, Mileage, Books, Conference, Admin, Post, Boat, Fuelgpl, Travelbookingfee, Bank, Perdiem, Flatrate, Bike"
Here's the list of icons you'll need to fill in column O on the category import file:
Admin | |
Boat | |
Books | |
Conference | |
Car | |
Rentalcar | |
Commodity | |
Drugstore | |
Power | |
Entertainment | |
Equipement | |
Flight | |
Fuel | |
Fueldiesel | |
Furniture | |
Gas | |
Gift | |
Insurance | |
Net | |
Hotel | |
Magazine | |
Restaurant | |
Metro | |
Misc | |
Parking | |
Phone | |
Post | |
Printing | |
Rent | |
Services | |
Stamp | |
Supplies | |
Taxi | |
Train | |
Toll | |
Water | |
Mileage | |
Fuelgpl | |
Perdiem | |
Bike | |
Equipement |