Get Started with the new Manager Guide for the Expensya Web Application!

Introducing our revamped app - brighter, faster, and smarter than ever! Our teams have completely rebuilt Expensya’s mobile application to be user-friendly, efficient, and packed with powerful tools for your management needs.  

This quick start guide will help you navigate the updated application and the fresh new manager view. 


The Role of Managers:

As a manager, you can view, review, edit, reject, and export submitted expense reports and expenses, provided that you are included in the approval workflow configured in the Expensya platform.  

Managers have access to expenses reports assigned to them for validation through the mobile and web applications. Their rights are limited to specific exports, approval or rejection only, with no modification allowed for any expense report. 


Managers and Expenses’ Workflow: 

Once your employees have entered their expenses, they can send them to you for validation. 

You will be able to consult your collaborators’ reports on the web interface by clicking on the "Manager" tab at the top of the page. 

You will be able to validate the invoices of each report and then approve the reports fully, partially or completely reject them. 

How to validate reports from the Manager's view?

When you access your account via the mobile application, all you have to do is click on the Manager icon on the bottom right corner of the page and choose Reports in order to be able to consult the expenses reports of your employees. 


In this section, you will get the submitted reports in the first tab, but you can also check all the reports that have already been reviewed in the second tab. 


Through the first tab, you can easily approve or reject the submitted reports by:  

  1. Selecting  the report to review. 
  2. Clicking on Approve or Reject


You will see that the status of the report will automatically change, and the submitter will be notified of this update via email. 

However, keep in mind that if you reject an expenses’ report, you will have to add a comment. It’s mandatory! 

Managing Budgets:

As a cardholder’s manager, you will receive notifications as soon as the cardholder requests a budget through: 

  • A mobile application notification. 
  • An email notification. 


To approve or reject one or multiple budget requests on the mobile app, you can follow the following steps:  

  1. Go to the Manager’s icon on the mobile app. 
  2. Select the "Budgets" tab. 
  3. Approve or reject the budgets from the ones awaiting approval.  

You can either:  

  • Click on the Approve button, and the budget state will be updated to “approved” or “controlled” if there is additional validation needed.  


  • Click on Reject button and add the reason behind the budget rejection. The budget state will, then, be updated to “Rejected”. 

If you want to know more about budgets management, you can have a look at this article.

With the updated version of our mobile application, you're about to embark on an exciting journey that revolutionizes the way you manage expenses and budgets. So, empower your managerial journey with Expensya Next, where efficiency and ease redefine the art of management. 

Download our new app today and embrace the future of Smart Spend!  

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