Managers/Administrators: Approve or reject budget requests

To be able to pay with Expensya card, the card holder should request a budget. The requested budget will be visible to the administrator and the cardholder’s manager. He or she can verify the budget request, then approve or reject it. 


Managers approve or reject budget requests: 

As a cardholder’s manager, you will receive notifications as soon as the cardholder requests a budget: 

  • Mobile application notification 
  • Email notification 

To approve or reject one or multiple budget requests, you can follow the following steps: 

From Mobile application  

  1. Click on the received mobile application notification to redirect you to the "Manager" menu 
  2. Select the "Budgets" tab, and you can approve or reject one budget from the listed budgets awaiting approval. 

  1. You can either: 

a. Click on “APPROVE” button then the budget state will be updated to “approved” or “controlled” if there is additional validation needed. 


b. Click on “REJECT” button then you can add the reason behind the budget rejection, therefore the budget state will be updated to “Rejected”. 


From Web application 

  1. Click on “View Details” button in the received email notification or connect to Expensya web application and access to the "Manager" menu, select "Budgets" tab then “To approve” budget status. 
  2. You can either: 

a. Click on “Approve” button to approve one budget from the listed budgets awaiting approval or select multiple budgets and click on “approve all” to approve all of them at the same time. 


b. Click on “REJECT” button to reject one budget then you can add the reason behind the budget rejection, therefore the budget state will be updated to “Rejected” or select multiple budgets and click on “reject all” to reject all of them at the same time. 


Once the budget has been approved, the card holder is automatically informed and can start using his Expensya card. 


Administrators approve or reject budget requests: 

As an Administrator, you have access to the full list of budgets available under “Expenses and Requests” menu. 

To approve or reject one or multiple budget requests, you can follow the following steps: 

  1. Access to “Admin” page, then “Expenses and Requests” menu and click on the sub-menu “Budgets” 
  2. Click on one budget with “Pending approval” status then in the displayed budget details
  3. You can either: 

a. Click on “Approve” button to approve the budget 


b. Click on “Reject” button to reject the budget 


  1. Select multiple budgets with “Pending approval” status
  2. You can either: 

a. Click on “Approve” to approve all of them at the same time. 


b. Click on “Reject” to reject all of them at the same time 

Once the budget has been approved, the card holder is automatically informed and can start using his Expensya card. 

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