Activation of exceptions and management of exception requests

On Expensya, there are 4 types of spending policies : 


You can find more details about spending policies in the following article: How to configure expense rules   

The exception request is an option available only with the expenditure rule type: reimbursement by ceiling.  

The exception request can be accepted or rejected by the validator or the account administrator. 


The exception request is only possible if the administrator has enabled this option in advance in the rule in question. 
Exception requests are applicable to all categories except "mileage expenses". 

The enabling of exceptions by the administrator : 
  1. In the "Admin" tab, choose the "Spending Policies" sub-category  
  2. Go to the "Spending Rules" page  
  3. Click on "Add a new spending rule". 

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          Description générée automatiquement


  1. Set up your spending policy by following the steps mentioned in the following article: How to configure expense rules
  2. In the 3rd step, check the "Allow exceptions on all categories except mileage" option  
  3. Finally, click on the "Add rule" button 

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          Description générée automatiquement


Adding a secondary validator to manage exception requests   

Exception requests can be managed by the account administrator and/or the N+1 validator or by an additional validator:   

 To add a secondary validator, simply follow these steps  

  1. In the "Admin" tab, choose the "Users" submenu  
  2. Click on the user to whom you will assign the secondary validator  
  3. Go to the "Validation/Approval" tab  
  4. In the section "Additional validation levels", put the name of the validator in the first field  
  5. Click on "None" and choose "Exception request"  
  6. Save your changes via the "Update" button 

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