Adding the German per diem

In Germany, flat-rate travel allowances for accommodation, catering, etc. are fixed by the authorities.

This type of package is known as the "German per diem".

Expensya allows German companies or companies which have German collaborators to manage the reimbursement of expenses according to the German per diem.

The feature is activated by default for German companies.
Other companies who wish to reimburse employees with the German per diem, must request activation from our support team.

To add a per diem, you must go to:

  1. Expenses tab > "+ expenses" and click on "Per Diem"

  1. Fill in the details of your expense :
  1. Click "Next" when you are done, on the next page check the fees deducted from your per diem:

Your per diem expense is now created and is on the "to validate" state:

You can verify and edit certain fields such as title, date, payment instrument:

You can also change your trip details:

You can consult your daily allowances:

As soon as you have finished checking or editing your per diem, click on the "Save" button.

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