How to create a category and configure my chart of accounts?
To create a category:
- Go to the “Admin” tab > "Advanced Settings > “Categories” sub-menu,
- Press the “+ Category” button,
- Choose the category, title and icon,
To configure an expense account, VAT account and a recovery rate for a category:
- Click on the “Accounting" tab,
- Fill in the expense account, VAT account and VAT recovery rate.
Adding a VAT code/ account per rate:
Admins are also able to manually set VAT accounts per rate for categories on the Web interface, to do this they must follow these steps:
- Click on "Add a VAT rate" button
- A new section will appear, which contains three fields by Vat Rate:
- "Rate" (percentage field): Mandatory and unique, allows admins to enter a numeric value representing the VAT rate associated with the category as a percentage.
- "Code/Accountant" (free field): Mandatory, field accepts alphanumeric input, allowing for a combination of letters and numbers to define a unique identifier for the VAT rate.
- "Claim rate" (percentage): Optional, allows admins to enter a numeric value representing the percentage of VAT that is recoverable for the category.
To customize the fields in your expense form:
- Click on the “Customization” tab,
- You can hide the title, make the image mandatory (payment receipts), hide VAT, etc.
You can subsequently configure scan technology of this category and save it.
OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, becomes an essential ally in creating and customizing categories in Expensya.
By merging OCR with category customization, Expensya automatically transforms key receipt information into organized data within personalized categories. This enhances the efficiency of category management.
To modify a category:
- Go to the “Admin” tab, > "Advanced Settings" > “Categories” sub-menu,
- Select the category you want to modify (e.g. “Car”)
You can make your changes from the “General parameters” tab, “Accounting”, “Customization” and “Scan technology” if necessary.
- Save.