Additional Receipt Compliance Check

In order to better check receipt compliance, Expensya offers the two following features which can be activated together or separately.

  • Inspection of the receipt’s image quality,
  • Check for potential modifications to the receipt
Both features can be activated on demand and are available for all of Expensya’s marketed offers.

Inspection of the receipt’s image quality 

When a user uploads an image and OCR detects poor quality (blurred, dark, unreadable copy), an alert suggesting that the user retake the photo is displayed on the image in the user’s account.

This alert does not stop the expense from being sent for approval, and appears on the accounts of the approver, accountant and administrator.

The alert is displayed on both the web and mobile versions of the account.

  • Web version

  • Mobile version

The alert is visible from

  • The list of expenses and on the expense form.
  • The list of reports, and within the report corresponding to the expense in question.

 Check for potential modifications to the expense receipt

When a user uploads an image and OCR detects a potential modification to the receipt (thanks to image processing software, for example), an alert is displayed for the approver, informing them that image may have been modified.

The user is not alerted; this alert is only visible to the approver, accountant and administrator. They can check the authenticity of the image themselves, to confirm if a modification was in fact carried out.

The alert is displayed on both the web and mobile versions of the account.

  • Web version

  • Mobile version

The alert is visible from:

  • The report: in the list of reports and within the receipt in question.
  • The expense: in the list of expenses (for the administrator) and in the expense form (for the approver, accountant and administrator).

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