How are Egencia multi-Traveler bookings handled in Expensya?

What is a Multi-Traveler Booking?

A Multi-Traveler Booking occurs when a user makes a booking in Egencia and includes additional users as travelers.

This functionality is only available for the Egencia Booking → Authorization Request workflow and cannot be executed through the Authorization Request → Booking in Egencia workflow in Expensya.

How does Expensya handle Multi-traveler Bookings?

  • When a booking is made in Egencia for multiple travelers, it is automatically imported into Expensya.
  • Each traveler's booking is imported sperately, ensuring that each traveler has their own individual booking record.
The imported bookings will include the total cost and are identical for all travelers.
  • For each traveler, an authorization request is automatically generated in Expensya. It includes all the necessary details (date, destination, etc) and the required approval.
The admin can view all the bookings from the administration panel.

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