Manage professional vehicles in Expensya

The management of professional vehicles and their expenses goes beyond a mere administrative task. It's a strategic endeavor that can have a significant impact on a company's finances, employee productivity, and even its brand image. Indeed, by adopting a proactive approach to tracking and controlling vehicle-related expenses, businesses can achieve substantial cost savings while optimizing their operations.

As an administrator, you can manage professional vehicles from the web version.

The users have the ability to add professional vehicles" translates the provided text from French to English.

To activate this feature, please contact Expensya support at

  1. Go to the "Admin" tab, "Vehicles" submenu,
  2. Click on the "Professional vehicles" widget.

Manually add a professional vehicle:
  1. Click on "Add a new vehicle",
  2. Fill in the fields, and save.

The fields marked by an asterisk are mandatory.
  1. Insert the registration document from "Evidences"

  1. And assign the vehicle to an employee (not mandatory)

Import professional vehicles:

Another way to enter professional vehicles is importing them via our excel template. To import a list of professional vehicles:

  1. Click on "Import vehicles", then "Download template file",

Here below an explanation of the columns, to easily fill out the template :

  • VehicleExternalId : is the vehicle's identifier. in your company
  • VehicleName : is the name of the vehicle.
  • VehicleType : mention if it's a car, motorcycle, etc.
  • CurrentYearKm : is the distance traveled during the current year.
  • LastYearDistanceKm : is the distance traveled during the previous year.
  1. Click on "Import", a message will pop-up as below, confirming the import,

and a summary of imported vehicles and those updated if applicable :

To import the list of assignments:
  1. Click on "Import assignments"

  1. Download the template and fill it out, here's how:
  • AssignmentExternalId: the assignment's identifier.
  • VehicleExternalId : the vehicle's identifier within your organization
  • AffectedUserMail : email of the affected user for this vehicle.
  • AffectedUserPayId : affected user unique ID
  • AssignmentStartDate : assignment start date
  • AssignmentEndDate : assignment end date
  • AssignmentIsActive : Yes if should be applied, No if not.
  1. Click on "Import" and a notification will pop-up "import successfully done".

You can prevent employees from adding personal vehicles from the "Company settings" submenu

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