Does the mileage scale apply to electric vehicles?
In France, in accordance with the decree issued on March 30th, 2013, the mileage scale also applies to vehicles with less than 3 fiscal horsepower, including electric vehicles.
Additionally, concerning electric vehicles, the mileage scale incorporates battery costs. An exclusively electric car typically holds a fiscal power of 1 CV. In any case, please verify the fiscal power of your vehicle.
The URSSAF scale does not distinguish between tax horsepower cars ranging from 1 to 3. Vehicles with higher fiscal power, such as hybrid cars or other vehicle types, are subject to a different kilometric rate according to the URSSAF scale.
If you need additional information, please consult the following links first or, contact your tenant's administrator on Expensya.
Useful links (in French) :
- Bulletin officiel des finances publiques - Impôts : Précision pour les véhicules électriques
- URSSAF: Utilisation du véhicule personnel à des fins professionnelles
- URSSAF: Barème kilométrique pour les voitures
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