Understanding the Parameters for Calculating Mileage

To understand the logic of the calculation on Expensya, it is essential to know this:

  1. The mileage of the vehicle (therefore the reimbursement level applied to the user) is the sum of the distance traveled outside Expensya during the year + all the mileages entered on Expensya - whether they are submitted or not.
  2. The system takes into account the mileage entered on Expensya even if they are not submitted.
  3. The rate mentioned on the scale will be that found on the mileage charges as long as the system does not calculate any compensation.
  4. If there is compensation (when moving from one level to another), the rate displayed on the kilometer charge is not necessarily the one mentioned on the scale.

The scale rate is crucial as it enables the system to establish the overall reimbursement amount. Yet, considering the user might have already received a reimbursement, the system recalculates the accurate amount owed, adjusting the rate to ensure reimbursement aligns with the actual entitlement based on prior payments to the employee.
  1. The constant applies when the sum of the distances traveled during the year exceeds the plateau. For example, when passing from the first to the second level, the constant of € 824 for a vehicle of 3CV and less is applied to the total distances traveled during the year.
  2. If you want to cross-check the calculation, you must take into account all the mileages as the ‘d’ on the formula corresponds to the total distance traveled during the year by the same vehicle and not on the distance declared on the last mileage.

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