The main exports to generate from the Expensya account

Know that it's possible to export these lists for modification and then re-import them. These lists include:

  • User list
  • Reports and expenses
  • Expense rules
  • Categories
  • Projects
  • Personal and business vehicles
  • etc.

In this article, we will see how to perform the export of these lists.

Exporting the User List:

  1. Go to "Admin" then select the submenu "Users and Access."
  2. Click on "Users."
  3. Then click on "Export the result."
  4. Confirm by clicking the "Continue Export" button.

You can export the user list by applying a filter, as shown in the example below.

Exporting Notes and Expenses:

An article has been written about exporting reports and expenses. Click here to access it.

Exporting Expense Rules:

  1. Go to "Admin" then select the submenu "Expenses and Requests."
  2. Click on "Spending Policies."
  3. Then click on "Export the result."
  4. Confirm by clicking the "Continue Export" button.

Exporting Categories:

  1. Go to "Admin" then select the submenu "Advanced Settings."
  2. Click on "Categories."
  3. Then click on "Export the result."
  4. Confirm by clicking the "Continue Export" button.

Exporting Projects:

  1. Go to "Admin" then select the submenu "Advanced Settings."
  2. Click on "Projects."
  3. Then click on "Export the result"
  4. Confirm by clicking the "Continue Export" button.

Exporting Personal and Business Vehicles:

Exporting Personal Vehicles:

  1. Go to "Admin" then select the submenu "Rates and Vehicles."
  2. Click on "Vehicles."
  3. In the "Personal Vehicles" field, click on "Export the result."
  4. Confirm by clicking the "Continue Export" button.

Exporting Business Vehicles:

  1. Go to "Administration," then select the submenu "Rates and Vehicles."
  2. Click on "Vehicles."
  3. In the "Business Vehicles" field, click on "Export Results."
  4. Confirm by clicking the "Continue Export" button.

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