Archiving with probative value by country

Expensya allows its clients to subscribe to a legal archiving option with so-called probative value. This archiving with probative value solution allows Expensya clients to store supporting documents in a digital format as opposed to the more traditional paper format. 

In accordance with local legislation, Service Providers classify countries into 3 categories or “cases”: 

Case 1: Archiving with probative value only negates the need for keeping paper documents when the dematerialization of invoices is carried out via the Expensya mobile applications. 

Case 2: Archiving with probative value negates the need for keeping paper documents even if the dematerialization of invoices is not carried out via the Expensya mobile applications. 

Others: The legislation does not negate the need for keeping paper documents. 

The table below outlines the probative value archiving options available in each country. 



According to local regulations, certain countries mandate storing data in local or nearby data centers. Therefore, our primary objective revolves around meeting this requirement to enhance our market compliance by archiving the company’s data in a local data center.

At Expensya, we currently offer our clients the option to store their business-critical data in immutable storage, where one important criterion of this storage is that data cannot be modified or deleted for a specified interval.

Here are the types of legal storage options we provide:

  1. CDC (10 years, 6 years, ...)
  2. EDOC
  3. Expensya Internal Azure-based legal storage, with a retention policy set at 11 years.

Previously domiciled in Ireland, our third solution - Expensya Internal Azure-based legal storage - will now cater to specific countries via local storage:

  • Norway: data stored in Norway.
  • Sweden: data stored in Sweden.
  • UK: data stored in the UK.
  • USA, Mexico, and Canada: data stored in the USA.
  • Australia: data stored in Australia.

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