Importing Credit Card Statements

The web version of Expensya enables you to import your credit card statement, so that you can compare more effectively what exists in Expensya and the transactions shown on your statement.

To enable bank integration, please refer to this page: “How to enable bank integration”.

To do this:

  1. Go to the “Invoices” tab.
  2. Click on the “+ Invoices” button, then on “Import credit card statement."

Indicate whether it is a business or personal card, choose the type of statement and then click on “Import File” to import your credit card statement.

To make sure the bank statement format is compatible with that of Expensya, you can contact your bank or generate it from your bank’s website.
  1. Click on “Summary.”

Then you will see a summary table showing the lines that exist in the bank statement and the expenses that exist in Expensya enabling you to reconcile them.

  1. Click on “Reconcile”

Once this step is complete, your expenses will be created in Expensya with the credit card icon and the “T” for the transaction. This enables you to differentiate between expenses originating from the bank statement and expenses you created previously.

The matching of the existing expense and the transaction only take place when the status of the expense is at Draft or Rejected. If the expense is still in validation or already archived the matching doesn't occur.

If you have already entered your expense and it is shown in the bank statement, it will also have the credit card icon and the “T” for the transaction next to it.

Access the details of the transaction as below:

If you have already entered your expense and it is also shown on the bank statement, it will also be accompanied by the bank card icon and "T"
An administrator can also import employees' bank card statements as long as their cards are registered in their payment instruments.

From the mobile, the expenses created from a bank card import are also marked with "T"

To delete an expense originating from a bank statement:

  1. Check the box for the relevant expense,
  2. Click on “Delete”

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