Reducing the Payback Time

A key piece of advice to keep in mind when it comes to asking for a refund is: the sooner, the better

In fact, one of the best practices you might need to consider to reduce the payback time is to add your expense as soon as you incur it. This way, you can ensure that your report will be reviewed by your manager by the end of that month. 

Your tenant is also likely to have a deadline after which your expense claims will be rejected (example: 3 months). So, make sure to keep that in mind! 

If your tenant uses the AutoNDF feature of Expensya, you need to take into consideration that it would be better to upload your invoices before the end of the period, even without submitting your expenses. 

To know more about AutoNDF, please refer to this article

In order to get your reimbursement in time and not have it delayed for the following month, your reports need to be in the Archived status by the processing deadline. 



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