What is the difference between global admin and restricted admin ?

A global administrator manages all of the functionalities of a tenant. The restricted administrator (also called group administrator) only manages the parameters related to the groups assigned to him by the global administrator.

The following table lists the operations that can be carried out from each access:


Global administrator

 Restricted administrator

User management (addition, modification and deactivation)

Full access

Limited to adding, modifying and deleting users within the group of which he is a local administrator.

Group management (addition, modification and deactivation)

Full access

Read only view of the group of which he is a local administrator.

Projects (addition, modification and deactivation)

Full access

Read only view of tenant projects, but creation and modification are limited to the projects of the group of which he is the local administrator.

Vehicle management

Full access

Management of vehicles for users of which he is the local administrator.

Category management (addition, modification and deactivation)

Full access

Read only view of tenant categories. The restricted admin can however only manage the categories which are in the group of which he is administrator.

Rules management (addition, modification and deactivation)

Full access

Read only view of tenant rules. The restricted admin can however only manage those applicable to the group of which he is the local administrator.

Management of bank accounts (addition, modification and deactivation)

Full access

Full access to tenant accounts

Management of custom fields (addition, modification and deactivation)

Full access

Read only view of custom fields.

Management of tenant parameters

Full access

Consulting tenant parameters

Import & Export

Full access

No access

Management of the tenant's mileage costs

Full access

Read only view of the scale applied by the tenant only.

Management of tenant contacts (modification and deactivation)

Full access

Full access to tenant contacts

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