Custom Fields - The Basics

Custom fields are used to add more information to the expense form. These fields can be in the form of text fields, a drop-down list, numbers, or even tick boxes.

They make it possible to enrich the data that you collect from expense reports according to the needs of your activity: to indicate the reason for an expense, analytical allocation, the place of departure, the place of arrival, and the name of a training course.

Custom fields is a feature available with all Expensya offers. It is managed by the account administrator.

More details on customising expense form fields are available in the following article: Customize the expense form fields

It is also possible to link a custom field to a spend policy. More details can be found in the following article: Custom fields: linking to an expense rule

Creating and configuring custom fields :

To create a custom field, the administrator must:


  1. Go to the “Administration” tab, under the “Advanced settings” menu, and then to the “Custom fields” section
  2. Click the add custom field button

  1. Choose the type(s) of interface(s) to which you want to add the custom field

Please note that the virtual card modules and Authorization Requests are modules exclusively available with the ‘Gold’ offer.

  1. Assign the added custom field to one or more categories

  1. Choose the type of custom field to add:

 There are several types of custom fields that you can use depending on your requirements.

A custom field can be: 

  • Text
  • A tick box (Yes/No)
  • A custom select list
  • A whole number
  • A decimal number
  • A date

  • Text type custom field : A set of short alphanumeric values, such as a name or an address...

To add this field, just follow the steps below :

  • Tick box type custom field (Yes/No): this is a field that includes the values ’Yes’ and ‘No’; the field can only contain one of the two values.

To add this field, just follow the steps below :

  • Custom select list: a set of values ​​that you specified when creating the field. The value type of a custom select list field can be text or numbers.

To add this field, just follow the steps below :

Details for creating the values ​​of the custom select list field can be found in the following article: Custom select list field 

  • Whole number custom field: numeric data in the form of a whole number. Values entered are between a minimum and maximum limit value which should be defined when creating the field.

To add this field, just follow the steps below :

  • Decimal custom field: numeric data with decimals. Values entered are between a minimum and maximum limit value which should be defined when creating the field.

To add this field, just follow the steps below :

  • Date custom field: Display the date in a short format e.g., 14/1/2022. The user can select the date from a calendar.

To add this field, just follow the steps below :


A created custom field is mandatory (by default) on the expense form. It must be entered in order to be able to save the expense. You can make it "non-mandatory" by accessing the field form and deactivating the "mandatory" button

Editing a custom field :

The account administrator can make changes to a custom field that has already been created. To do this, simply :

  1. Go to the “Administration” tab, under the “Advanced settings” menu, and then to the “Custom fields” section
  2. Go to the field you wish to modify
  3. Make the required changes
  4. Click on save

Deactivating a custom field :

It is not possible to delete a custom field. However, the administrator has the option of deactivating it. To do this, simply :

  1. Go to the “Administration” tab, under the “Advanced settings” menu, and then to the “Custom fields” section
  2. Go to the field you wish to deactivate
  3. Uncheck the “active” button
  4. Save

For custom field deletion, please contact the Expensya support team

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